WWA Advisors | Executive Search
WWA is a management consulting firm focused on empowering apparel, footwear, and retail executives with the strategies, processes, and technologies that create tangible business value and sustainable competitive advantage. Our team?s deep industry expertise and our best practice knowledgebase, from hundreds of successful projects around the globe, make WWA unique among consulting agencies. Our experts in the apparel, footwear, and interiors markets offer valuable domain expertise from product development, to supply chain, to retailing.
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Executive Search

Why use WWA Executive services?

We provide Executive Search services for more competitive fees than other executive search firms. WWA does not require an exclusive or a retainer.

Who are Our Candidates?

WWA candidates include industry executives and senior operations and applications management plus many skilled positions. Each applicant is screened on work history, personal ethics, and integrity.

Why Our Candidates are Great Hires

Our candidates are more likely to “stick” because most come with a personal reference from WWA core staff or senior Associate. We strive to match a candidate’s personality with the prospective employer as well as the experience and credentials.

Join WWA’s Executive Search

To find a qualified candidate for an open position at your company contact WWA Advisors. Looking for a new position? Contact us and submit your resumé.