WWA Advisors | Supply Chain Intelligence
WWA is a management consulting firm focused on empowering apparel, footwear, and retail executives with the strategies, processes, and technologies that create tangible business value and sustainable competitive advantage. Our team?s deep industry expertise and our best practice knowledgebase, from hundreds of successful projects around the globe, make WWA unique among consulting agencies. Our experts in the apparel, footwear, and interiors markets offer valuable domain expertise from product development, to supply chain, to retailing.
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Supply Chain Intelligence

WWA has unrivaled experience in the field of Supply Chain Optimization for softgoods, manufacturing and retail. We have expertise in mapping critical path processes and eliminating wasted time. Process automation delivers substantial, tangible return on investment (ROI) to clients within the first year of project implementation.

Phase 1
Process Analysis
  • Analyze and Map Current Development Processes
  • Indentify obstacles and define improvements
  • Deliver Action Plan for Successful Improvements


During identification and definition of your business’ processes, WWA Advisors discuss best practices, analyze process flow and bottlenecks in order to make recommendations on potential improvements.

Phase 2
Refine Actions
  • Address Specific Process or System Refinement
  • Examine Technology Benefits and Potential Drawbacks
  • Define Requirements, Specifications and Solutions


We’ve been involved in your industry and technology for a long time. WWA Advisors can help your team understand the use of technology to manage and maximize your product development, sourcing and manufacturing resources. We are familiar with many technologies including, but not limited to, PLM, ERP, CAD, and PDM

Phase 3
Define Scope & Specifications
  • Establish Project(s) Timeline and Scope
  • Analyze ROI Goals and Proposals
  • Where Necessary: Define Pilot Group and Project Team


We recognize that process refinement and new technology must be consistent with company culture. Recommendations always include this element.

Phase 4
Implement Improvements
  • Strategic Launch of Changes and/or Technology
  • Evaluation of and Communication to Stakeholders surrounding Progress
  • Continual Improvements through Periodic Review


While software technology can help to give visibility and manage processes, it is not a “silver bullet”. A partnership and commitment between management, workforce partners and vendors is essential. WWA Advisors are available to lead and advise when and where needed.