WWA Advisors | Technology Assessment
WWA is a management consulting firm focused on empowering apparel, footwear, and retail executives with the strategies, processes, and technologies that create tangible business value and sustainable competitive advantage. Our team?s deep industry expertise and our best practice knowledgebase, from hundreds of successful projects around the globe, make WWA unique among consulting agencies. Our experts in the apparel, footwear, and interiors markets offer valuable domain expertise from product development, to supply chain, to retailing.
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Technology Assessment

The right tools for the job



WWA Advisors believes in phasing sophisticated technology system implementations with the goal of keeping Phase 1 as simple as possible in order to have an early go-live.  This helps gain internal management support for the projects and helps avoid user “technology fatigue”.


Finding the “right tool for the right job” is often a challenge because the landscape of technology options is complex.  It may include legacy system evaluation to determine whether they are being used effectively and whether they are still the optimum tool.  The Assessment can not be made effectively just based on technology, it must consider the company’s product, the supply chain and the culture.  If new technology is required, it can become another puzzle because there are established systems that have both experience and proven support and new systems that often bring in state-of-the-art features.  WWA demystifies the confusion and puzzle, coming up with a short-list of qualified vendors while helping the client determine evaluation factors that apply to their particular business.


System implementation often starts with vendor selection support, determining the best tools and vendor partner for the organization. This requires a complete understanding of the operational requirements for a new system, including any legacy system integration, and, equally important, an appreciate for the culture and personality of the client company.  WWA Advisors may require a Project Lead from WWA and Project Oversight.  WWA Advisors is well experienced in both of these roles, as well as, supporting change management necessary for full adoption and project success. The Project Lead or Project Oversight roles may be full or part-time depending on the services required for a successful technology implementation and the skills and dedication from the internal project team.